Pentair 400010Z XF Series Pump Diffuser For WhisperFloXF(R), IntelliFloXF(R) Variable Speed Pump and Sta-Rite(R) 2 and 3 HP Pump
Used On
- IntellifloXF Variable Speed Pumps (after August 2015)
- IntellifloXF Variable Speed Pumps (before August 2015)
- Pentair WhisperfloXF® Pumps XF-8, XF-12, XFE-8, XFE-12, XFDS-8, XFDS-12, XFDS-30, XF-30, XFE-30, XFJ-8, XFJ-12, XFK-8, XFK-12
- Sta-Rite IntelliproXF Variable Speed Pumps after August 2015
- Sta-Rite IntelliproXF Variable Speed Pumps before August 2015
- Sta-Rite Max-E-ProXF Pumps XF-8, XF-12, XFE-8, XFE-12, XFDS-8, XFDS-12, XFDS-30, XF-30, XFE-30, XFJ-8, XFJ-12, XFK-8, XFK-12