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Published by Matt Fichera on 09/09/2020

What is AquaPerl Pool Filter Media?

AquaPerl Filter Media

AquaPerl Filter Media

What is AquaPerl?

AquaPerl is a new, lightweight filter media for swimming pools, engineered for use in diatomaceous earth (D.E.) filters. It is a direct replacement for D.E. filter media. AquaPerl pre-coats effectively and quickly improving the operation of your filter overall. Looking to save time clean your filter? Utilizing AquaPerl is the way to go as it backwashes quickly and completely so you’re able to move on to other things. Cleanings are a snap as well. AquaPerl is an all-natural choice while also being chemically inert and easier to carry. It’s half the weight of your typical D.E. so it’s far less to carry and safer as well. For example: a 12 lb. bag of AquaPerl is equivalent to a 25 lb. of diatomaceous earth. 1/2 lb. of AquaPerl (1 scoop) = 1 lb. of D.E. (1 scoop)

AquaPerl Filter Media

Why use AquaPerl?

It really is the superior choice to D.E. as it removes dirt and other contaminants expertly all of the way down to 3 microns. Its chemical make-up lets it hold higher solids and oils resulting in longer filtration cycles. It also has a lower density when compared to traditional D.E. allowing for a uniform precoat thickness and deposition on element, what this leads to is that faster and more efficient backwashing along with filter aid regeneration. AquaPerl is 100% crystalline silica free and is volcanic in nature so there’s never a shortage. It’s a unique alternative to using cellulose or typical D.E.

How to Use AquaPerl

All of this information is great right? But how exactly do you use the product? First thing you’ll want to do is clean your filer completely according to what the manufacturer recommends and normal maintenance procedures. Use this filter media in the same way that you would D.E. including using the same volume scoop for scoop. Make sure that you also precoat the filter using a mixture of water and AquaPerl. Pour this mixture into the skimmer with the circulation system running.

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AquaPerl Filter Media

AquaPerl Filter Media


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