Published by EZ Pool & Spa Supply on 04/16/2019
Variable Speed Swimming Pool Pumps - State Rebate Programs
There is a light at the end of the cold dark tunnel. We're so close now we can almost feel the warming shine. Winter will soon be behind us and pool season in front of us. As the better weather starts to set in, that spring cleaning feel tends to take over and you set forth to reset and optimize. Activities typically start with your house and your
property including your pool if you have one. These things are more than a place where you live, they're a place where a family may be raised and memories are made. Your house is a home, and needs to be cared for. With this in mind, your home's electrical system is vital and now is a great time for a checkup to ensure you are getting the best out of it. A very good place to start with this is the pump for your pool. Believe it or not, this motor that is vital in the correct operation of your pool all summer may actually be costing you more than $500.00 in electricity that is not needed. Now, if there was a way to purchase a new pool pump that alleviates this problem, and comes with a big time rebate, wouldn’t you go for that deal? Wouldn’t you rather reinvest that money into something else, such as your family or your property?
Well you’re in luck because NH Saves is the proud sponsor of the Pool Pump Reimbursement Program . This program is part of a larger effort that works to advance the efficient use of energy in the state of New Hampshire. NHSaves is a working collaborative of many of the utility companies that do business in the state. They help to provide information, incentives and support that in the long run reduce costs, save energy and protect New Hampshire beautiful environment.
In order to qualify for the rebate, your pump upgrade must
be to a product that carries an EnergyStar rating. The EnergyStar rating is
indicated by the well-known blue and white star logo with “energy” written in
cursive. This symbol is both trusted and backed by the federal government. It’s
used in conjunction with products that have been shown to reduce energy use
while not sacrificing performance, features, or comfort.
What you will need to qualify for the rebate are three very simple things which are: a copy of the completed rebate form, a copy of your power bill, and a copy of your purchase receipt. You’ll either mail these items to the specified address or you can qualify online at Within 4 to 6 weeks you will receive a check in the mail for $500.00. It’s as simple as that. Another point worth mentioning is that this amazing deal is also available to our many customers located in Massachusetts. All you need to do is take a look at, click on the “Shop” tab and find “Pool Pumps” for program details.
If you would like to put this program into perspective, take a look at one of our featured products. The Speck E71 Variable Speed Pool Pump retails for $589.00. This is an EnergyStar rated pump so after the mail-in rebate, total cost to you is ONLY 89 dollars. Plus, you are saving hundreds of dollars on the back end over the course of the summer’s electrical bills. Now, this is a deal that you cannot take a pass on.
If you would like to explore our selection of pool pumps for both inground and above ground pools click here. If there are any questions regarding any of our products please give us a call at: (603) 382-7010.