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Maintaining Your Pool During High Heat and Lots of Sun

Published by Anthony on 07/11/2024

Maintaining Your Pool During High Heat and Lots of Sun

As temperatures soar and the sun blazes, your swimming pool becomes a refreshing oasis. However, these extreme conditions also present unique challenges for pool maintenance. With proper care and attention, you can keep your pool in top shape even during the hottest days of summer. Here's a comprehensive guide to maintaining your pool during high heat and intense sunlight.

Monitor Water Levels Closely

High temperatures accelerate evaporation, causing your pool to lose water more quickly than usual. Check your water levels daily and top up as needed to keep the water at the proper level - typically halfway up the skimmer opening. Low water levels can damage your pump and affect water circulation, leading to other issues. 

For easy and accurate water level monitoring, consider installing a smart water level sensor like the Paradise Industries Pool Sentry Over the Deck Water Leveler, M-3000. This device will add water from your garden hose when water levels drop below a certain point, helping you stay on top of evaporation issues. 

Test and Balance Water Chemistry More Frequently 

Heat and sunlight can rapidly alter your pool's chemical balanceTest your water at least 2-3 times per week during hot spells. Pay particular attention to pH and chlorine levels, as these are most affected by heat and sun exposure. 

For accurate and easy testing, use a digital pool water tester like the Taylor K-2006 Complete (FAS-DPD Chlorine) Reagent Test Kit. This kit provides precise readings for multiple chemical parameters, ensuring your water stays balanced. 

Increase Chlorine Levels and Use Stabilizer 

Chlorine breaks down faster in sunlight and heat, so you'll need to add it more frequently. Consider using a stabilized chlorine product that contains cyanuric acid, which acts as a sunscreen for your chlorine. Maintain a cyanuric acid level between 30-50 ppm to protect your chlorine from UV degradation. 

A great product for this purpose is the OnGuard Super Chlorinating Tablets. These slow-dissolving tablets provide long-lasting chlorination, perfect for hot summer days. 

Run Your Pump Longer 

Increased circulation helps maintain water quality and prevents algae growth. During periods of extreme heat, run your pump for longer hours, ideally 10-12 hours per day. If possible, run it during cooler hours (early morning or late evening) to reduce energy costs. 

For energy-efficient operation, consider upgrading to a variable-speed pump like the Pentair SuperFlo. This pump adjusts its speed based on your pool's needs, saving energy while ensuring optimal circulation. 

Shock Your Pool More Often 

Higher temperatures accelerate chlorine loss and can lead to algae growth. Shock your pool weekly during hot spells to maintain proper sanitization. Always shock your pool in the evening to prevent rapid chlorine loss due to sunlight. 

For a powerful shock treatment, try the Super Zappit Shock Treatment. This fast-acting formula quickly raises free chlorine levels and helps eliminate algae and bacteria. 

Use a Pool Cover 

When the pool is not in use, cover it with a solar blanket. This reduces evaporation, helps maintain water temperature, and protects your chlorine from UV degradation. At night, a solar blanket can help retain heat, reducing energy costs if you heat your pool. 

Clean More Frequently 

Hot weather often means more pool use and faster accumulation of debris. Skim the surface daily to remove leaves and insects. Brush the walls and floor at least twice a week to prevent algae growth, and vacuum as needed. 

For efficient cleaning, invest in an automatic pool cleaner like the Dolphin Nautilus CC Plus. This robotic cleaner can handle walls, floor, and waterline, saving you time and effort. 

Maintain Proper Filtration 

Your filter works harder during hot weather. Backwash or clean your filter more frequently to ensure it's operating at peak efficiency. For sand or D.E. filtersbackwash when the pressure gauge reads 8-10 psi above the clean starting pressure. 

If you're due for a filter upgrade, consider the Pentair FNS Plus 60 Sq. Ft. D.E. Filter, EC-180009. It provides superior and reliable cleaning and filtration. 

Keep the Pool Area Well-Ventilated

Ensure proper air circulation around your pool to prevent heat and humidity buildup. This can help make the pool area more comfortable and reduce the risk of mold or mildew growth on nearby surfaces.

Swimming Pool Maintenance

Stay Hydrated and Work Smart

When performing pool maintenance, prioritize your own health and safety: 

  1. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after working on your pool. 
  2. Schedule pool maintenance for early morning or late evening to avoid the hottest parts of the day. 
  3. Wear protective clothing, including a wide-brimmed hat, light-colored long-sleeved shirt, and sunglasses. 
  4. Apply a high-SPF sunscreen to exposed skin. 
  5. Take frequent breaks in the shade to cool down. 

By following these tips and using the right products, you can keep your pool in excellent condition even during the hottest days of summer. Remember, consistent care is key to maintaining a clean, safe, and enjoyable swimming environment for you and your family.