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Diamond Spa Shock - Potassium Monopersulfate

Published by Matt Fichera on 01/04/2021

Diamond Spa Shock - Potassium Monopersulfate

Diamond Spa Shock is a shock treatment that is specifically for spas and hot tubs relying on potassium monopersulfate instead of your typical chlorine. Using potassium monopersulfate allows you to go back into the water after the first 30 minutes where using most chlorine shocks it would be longer.

Many times, Potassium Monopersulfate (KMPS or MPS) is used to shock spas or pools to avoid using chlorine. When chlorine is used to shock it reacts with organic contaminants and bather waste which are mostly composed of nitrogen. This reaction produces chloramines which can create a bad smell. KMPS also interacts with these same nitrogen-based compounds but because there’s no chlorine, the end result of the reaction doesn’t produce chloramines. This eliminates that unpleasant smell.

In pool or spa water management you are looking to keep the difference between total chlorine and free chlorine less than .02. If the difference becomes larger than this, you will need to shock the water. In spas or pools, this monopersulfate fights what is called “chlorine lock”. An example of this would be the following: You have a Total Chlorine reading of 2.0 and a Free Chlorine reading of 1.0. This would mean that you have a full one-point split and you would need to shock.

The most important point to remember is that KMPS is a strong oxidant but it is not a sanitizer. It does not protect against bacteria and viruses but works in conjunction with chlorine allowing chlorine to work more efficiently, or it can work as part of a system such as alongside minerals as an alternative to using chlorine.

Our team at EZ Pool & Spa Supplies would be happy to answer any questions that you may have.  Contact Us Here or click on the link below to reach the Diamond Spa Shock Product Page. 

Diamond Spa Shock (Non Chlorine)

Diamond Spa Shock (Non Chlorine)